There are many students who want to register for IELTS Exam but don’t have enough information about IELTS test registration centres. There are overall 900 IELTS registration centre’s available worldwide. You can find your nearest IELTS test centre from IELTS official site. The IELTS registrations centre’s have pleasant and helpful team who will assist you in the whole registration process.
IELTS test conducted four times in a month and during the whole year 48 fixed dates are available for enrolment. Visit your nearest registration centre and check the next available test date according to your requirement. You have to pay IELTS registration fee during enrolment. The fees for IELTS Academic test and General training test are same.
The first step is to locate your nearest test centre and check your desire available dates as well as current fees of registration in your local currency. Check your requirement whether you need to register for IELTS General training or IELTS academic test. Visit the official site and download the IELTS Application form available in PDF format and print it or you can also get the application form from your nearest IELTS registration centre. Read the information and terms and conditions carefully and fill the form and at the end of form place your signature. Compare your valid postal address with your Passport or ID Card.

You need two recent Passport size color photograph and don’t use picture more than six months old. Place your signature on the backside of each photograph. The photo must be clear and don’t use glasses while taking photograph. Bring your original passport and also ensure the validity of your passport. If your passport has been expired than renew it before the registration process. Some registration centres allow registration on national Identity card.
If you already applied for admission in any university or educational institution than mention the details in your IELTS application form, the registration centre’s will then sent your result card to respective university or educational institution. So, ensure you have entered correct information in IELTS Application form.
Visit your nearest centre along-with filled application, two recent photographs and original Passport / ID card and test fee. If you want to send your application form through mail then confirm the method of payment from your registration centre. After the registration you will receive notification from registration centre about your date and venue of test. You can choose your speaking date 7 days before or after the test date.

Once you have registered, the test centre will confirm your IELTS test date, time and venue. Please note the Speaking test can be up to 7 days before or after the test date. On the test day you need to bring your original passport / National ID card that you mentioned in your IELTS form.
Cancel / Postpone IELTS Exam
If you want to postpone or cancel your application than intimate your registration centre’s 5 weeks ago before the test, you fees will be refund after deducting administration charges. But if you visit the registration centre close to test date whether you are sick / seriously ill or unable to attend test without giving any information the registration centre than you will lose your all fee unless you provide valid / serious medical reason for cancellation. If you are sick / seriously ill and provide a valid medical certificate before a week of test you will refund your fee after deducting local administration charges. The fee will not be refund on minor illness reason.
Many students ask that how many times they cat enroll / sit for IELTS Exam, the answer is very simple, there is no any limit defines by IELTS administration. But it is better to enroll again you must well prepare for IELTS exam through IELTS preparation centre’s. You can improve your IELTS speaking, reading, writing and listening skills through valid practice materials.
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