IELTS management is centrally controlled but the administration of the test takes place in local test centres. This guarantees flexibility and adaptability, and ensures a very rapid turnaround from registration to results.
Most centres conduct a testing session at least once a month and more often at peak times. Special test sessions can be arranged for particular sponsors or organisations.
According to the global IELTS test date schedule. Information on the availability of test sessions at centres can be found on the IELTS website The chart below shows the test procedure for candidates.
Enquire about the Test Centre:
Findout the nearest test Centre in your area to find out about available test dates and to obtain an application form. Contact details for all IELTS centres worldwide can be found at The test centre has Official IELTS Practice Materials for sale and these can also be bought directly from Cambridge ESOL or IDP: IELTS Australia using the order form in this Handbook.
Fill in the application form and send it or take it to the test centre with the test fee and two recent identical passport-sized photographs (not more than six months old). You need some evidence of identity. This must be a passport or a National Identity Card with a number, photograph, date of birth and signature. The document must be valid, not expired at registration nor on the test day. Candidates taking the test outside their own country must present a passport. Candidates must enterthe number of their passport or identity card on the application form. A copy of the identity document is to be attached to the application form. Only when all registration procedures are fully completed will the application be processed.You must bring the ID document indicated on the application form to the test. This is the only form of identity that will be accepted on the test day.

Test centre informs candidate of date and time of test in writing. If the Speaking test is to be on a different day, candidate is informed about this now.
Day of The Test:
The identity of all candidates will be checked on test day. Photographs of candidates may be taken on the test day. Each candidate must have the same evidence of identity as the number entered on the application form. No other forms of identification are acceptable. Candidates also need pencils and pens,a pencil sharpener, and an eraser. Candidates must not take into the test room any bags, books, papers,cameras, mobile phones, recording devices, pagers or any other devices, electronic or not.
Candidates are met by an IELTS Administrator who checks identification and makes sure candidates know where and when to go for the test. Candidates are assigned a place which they must keep for the Listening,Reading and Writing tests.Candidates are not allowed to leave the test room during any test.All answers are entered on the answer sheets provided. Candidates can write on the question papers but cannot take them out of the room.The Speaking test is recorded Candidates found cheating, copying the work of another candidate, disrupting the test, or removing or attempting to remove or copy any test materials from the examination room will not receive a result and may able to prosecution.
Results will be produced 13 days after the test. At some centres candidates may collect their results on the 13th day; at others results are mailed to candidates on the 13th day. Test centres are not permitted to give results over the phone or by fax or email.
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