The IELTS test is used to control non-native speakers of the language. It is used by many universities for admission and also by some governments on immigration. The test consists of four sections: listening comprehension, written and spoken. Among these actions, the IELTS speaking section is probably the most misunderstood.
Many people are comfortable with the other three sections, but are terrified by the language section. To conquer fear, you must know the section is actually structured. It consists of three sub-sections, a brief introduction on familiar topics, a long conversation and a detailed discussion.
The section is mainly familiar topic to help you start and ease you into the exam. You would be asking the simple question about your home town, work, leisure and other such things. These are subjects that people are more comfortable and can talk without a lot of pressure.
The lengthy discussion is a section where the examiner does not talk much. You would be expected to speak for about a minute or two about your favorite person, city or even something that you treasure a lot. This is a section where you can talk about something you know well and can talk for a minute or two.

The last section is a detailed discussion. Fortunately, the section is not as intimidating and name. In general, the examiner start a discussion on a common topic, as pets, traffic or something in the same direction. You would be expected to give your opinion on this subject and analyze the topic too. This section tests your ability to analyze and put your ideas into good English sentences.
The language section in its entirety does not last more than 10 to 12 minutes. The sub-sections are designed to help you relax and ease into the conversation. Booting into familiar territory gives you confidence because you know what you're saying. Even under the following sections are all things that you know or have an idea.
In conclusion, we must know two things, one is that the IELTS test is about your level of English and not your general knowledge or analytical skills. Then focus on getting the right phrases and statements rather than content. The second point is that each section will last approximately three to four minutes maximum, and do not fly very fast.
listen to English as much as possible so that your ear becomes attuned to the language