The duration of IELTS writing section is about 60 minutes. There are two parts of IELTS Academic writing section. In task 1, IELTS Candidates required to write at least 150 words and in task 2 at least 250 words.
In task 1, canadiates are presented with a graph, chart, table or any diagram and required to explain, describe and sumrize the information. The candidate may asked to read the data and look into the graph to explain the flow of process and describe in own words. The graph / table / diagram may be dealt with any work, event or any object.

In task 1, depending on type of task, the examiner will accessed the ability to compare the data, your skills to organize and present the data and also describe and explain the flow of process and procedure releated to any object, event or sequence of events or some work.
In Academic IELTS writing task 2, candidate are required to write an essay on given topic. The essay may be related to any problem or it may be argumental essay showing your point of view on particular given topic.

The issues point on essay topics are related to general intrest and suitable & easy to understand for undergraduate and post graduate students or candidates looking for professional registrations.
In task 2, if essay realted to any problem or issue, the examiner will accessed the skills of candidate to explain the possible solutions of problem. If you essay is about an argument, the examiner will check your ability that how you present or justify your opinion through contrast evidence and comparison. He will also check how you evaluate and implement your ideas by evidence and arguments.
IELTS Academic Writing Skill Assessment
In IELTS Academic Writing task 1 and task 2, the certified IELTS examiner will accessed the canadidate writing ability and reponse according to contents of topic. He will aslo check how you orgnize your idea and your range of grammar and vocabulary skills. The four important criteria of marking essay are, reponse, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource and grammar & range of Vocabualry. IELTS writing task 2 is more important than task 1.