Many students through out the world aiming to get admission in foreign University or College and for this purpose they have to clear the IELTS or International English Language Testing System a standardized procedure for evaluating level of English. The level of English is calculated according to the band score achieve by student in IELTS test ranging from 1-9. Most of the foreign universities or colleges in UK, Australia and Canada and rest of the world require 5-7.5 bands depending on their requirements. It is therefore; take the IELTS exam seriously if you really want to get admission and study in a reputable university. The success in IELTS exams depends on the preparation and plan you make before your actual IELTS Exam. You must prepare for all parts of English that a student can be tested. If you are going to appear in IELTS test than learn all about the IELTS Exam that will assist you in cracking the exam. My Blog also offers such a great assistance for students appearing in the IELTS Exam.

Speaking is the main part of IELTS Exam. The Duration of IELTS speaking test is about 15 minutes. It is basically one to on interview between student and IELTS Examiner. The whole conversations during the interview are recorded. In any case you are unsatisfied with the test result than the same recording will be furnished to you. The IELTS Speaking test is use to basically judge your verbal English skills. During the conversation the examiner will examine your grammar, coherence, vocabulary and organization. Here are I am going to give some IELTS Speaking tips that will definitely help you to improve your speaking section.
• Don’t give your answers in “Yes” or “No” format. Try to give full answer of each question. You may definitely share extra information or knowledge if you have any.
• During conversation avoid long pauses; you should continuously talk and interact with the examiner without hesitation.
• Don’t feel nervous and talk as much as you can because there are no negative marking for this. If you speak less in front of Examiner, it will be difficult for the Examiner to judge your English Speaking skill.
• Do not run like the crazy fox. Before going to answer any question listen carefully the questions. Sometime Examiners will try to mould the questions in a means to bring out the difficult sentence structures. Use proper grammar structure in each sentence during speaking. There are lots or English grammar books available online. You can also browse this blog to search best book for IELTS grammar preparation.

• In the first step Examiner will ask general questions such as information about your home town, your studies & job, shopping places and your hobbies, so you can pre prepare yourself about these types of questions. You can also give your opinion about particular thing during the discussion, for example if you like or dislikes any place or person or thing.
• IELTS speaking test is the test of accuracy. So, if you feel that something is wrong, correct it immediately.
• Speaking test part 2, bullet points provided in all sub-threads need to look for the answer. As memorized speech that can be easily deciphered will not try to read.
• If you do not recognize something, go ahead and inquire the examiner what he or she have it in mind to mean.
• Don't Give every time your personal views about the subject try to provide general feedback.